This is my occasional run-down of interesting money-related news I’ve been reading and that I think might be useful for photographers and other creative entrepreneurs. Do you find this type of news aggregation useful? Let me know what you think.

Portraits of Relief

See the full photo essay and article at the New York Times

“Since 2007, the [Public Service Loan Forgiveness] program has promised hope for those who pledged to advance the public good. If they made 120 payments on time, their loans would be forgiven. During that time, their balances often grew because of the income-based payments the program required.

The devil was in the details, and the devil often won. Borrowers frequently shared their stories of yearslong bureaucratic struggles. The waiver program announced in October, however, promised to yank open some doors — borrowers could seek credit for categories of payments that were previously ineligible.”

My thoughts: I’m happy these people finally had their loans forgiven! (And I’m also happy to see a photo essay about a business/money topic.) I know a few people who qualified for this program but never applied because they heard it was a lot of heartache and work for nothing. If you’re eligible for this program and haven’t applied, you might want to give it a try.


Be Sure to Keep Your Will or Estate Plan Updated. Here are 3 Key Reasons Why.

Read the full article on

“The pandemic has spurred increased interest in estate planning, which includes a will and other legal documents that address end-of-life considerations. For instance, 18- to 34-year-olds are now more likely (by 16%) to have a will than people in the 35-to-54 age group, according to research. Among those in the 25-to-40 age contingent, just 32% do, according to a survey from and”

My thoughts: A few months ago, a family member realized they hadn’t updated the beneficiary of their retirement accounts to their spouse even though they’d been married for years. I’m sure this happens all the time! It may feel mundane or time-consuming revise a will or anything related to your financial life. But it’s better to do it now than have your loved ones fighting or worrying over money after you’re gone.


6 Fastest Ways to Save for Retirement, According to Experts

Read the full article on GOBankingRates

“It’s never too early to save for retirement,” said Angela Holliday, president of Frost Brokerage Services, Inc. and Frost Investment Services. “If you’re younger, don’t focus on the dollar amount you’re putting away. In planning for retirement, you have the benefit of time. The more time you have to save and let your investment compound, the better off you’ll be. And the longer you wait, the less time you’re giving yourself to prepare your nest egg.”


The Guide to Scary Markets by Carl Richards

Read the full guide by Carl Richards, former NYT columnist and founder of Behavior Gap

“All of my clients were pretty well trained. We had a really solid plan in place. Investments were tied really closely to values. They were all detoxed from the financial pornography; they weren’t watching CNBC, they weren’t going crazy, and I wasn’t getting a lot of phone calls. And then 2008 happened. A client couple were on a cruise right around the time Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, and the number of passengers that were so scared about what was happening that they abandoned the cruise and flew home. Even when we know the right thing to do is ride out the storm, it can still be scary—for advisors and clients alike.”

My thoughts: This guide is targeted more to financial planners and advisors but I think it’s good for a layperson to read, too, because it shows that scary markets are often scary to everyone.